Friday Fish Pics - Comms Edition
Need a comms professional or a fishing partner? Call Kenneth Baer.
Kenneth Baer is the founder and CEO of Crosscut Strategies, a great comms, media, and strategy firm. They also do crisis comms, which I hope you don't need but if you do...
Ken wrote what is considered perhaps the definitive book on the rise of New Democrats in the Democratic Party.
He also likes to get outside and fish with his kids.
Here he is a few weeks ago on the Chesapeake Bay, which as we've discussed before is an amazing resource. John King has highlighted the need to protect the Bay in his campaign for governor of Maryland. And we've discussed the stripers found there, and elsewhere, more than a few times. Ken is holding one.
Friday what? Friday Fish Porn is a feature that started in 2006 when Jim Griffin played hooky from work and tormented me with pictures of the fish he was catching all afternoon. Now, hundreds of pictures later it's a one of a kind archive (and with more Fish Pics if you want to send me your kids under a different header or get this via Substack). Education and education connected people outside with fish.