San Fran Deep Dive…Charter Growth Discussion, Gender Equity & Sports
Zora Neale was hardly perfect, but she was a badass.
Some reading and watching – for those who like visuals:
Earlier this month I wrote about why I see Zora Neale Hurston as an iconoclastic hero. We talked here about mask whiplash and our disagreement problem earlier this week.
Out today, I moderated a discussion with some amazing folks from the charter community – Ana Ponce, Brett Peiser, Pat Brantley, and John Armbrust) about growth and the status quo today as part of Jed Wallace’s charter school project.
Yesterday we looked at gender equity and sports – and the U.S. – Canada women’s hockey rivalry.
The game is over, the issues are not:

On those same issues here’s a 2018 blast from the past in happier times:

If Virginia and other places were not, then San Francisco should be a wake-up call. Unclear it will be. One of the recalled board members is out there saying this really shows San Francisco is full of closeted Republicans…right, that’s exactly it…

This is an actual item in a New York Times education newsletter: